Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process
Step 1. Manuscript Submission
Authors begin by preparing their manuscripts according to the ACAJ format and submitting them through the user-friendly ThaiJO online system. This system ensures the smooth receipt, processing, and review of manuscripts by the AJAC editorial team. The streamlined process maintains order and consistency, enabling efficient review and publication.
Step 2. Initial Check (3-5 Days)
Upon receipt of the manuscript, the editorial team conducts an initial assessment to ensure that the submission aligns with the journal's scope and complies with publication requirements. Manuscripts that fail to meet these criteria are rejected without further review. Submissions with a similarity index exceeding 30% are also rejected at this stage. Additionally, the editorial team also checks the article's formatting and citation style according to the specified author guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are returned to authors for reformatting and resubmission. If approved, the manuscript proceeds to the review stage.
Step 3. Associate Editor Assignment (3-5 Days)
Following the initial review, the Editor-in-Chief assigns an Associate Editor with relevant expertise to oversee the review process. The Associate Editor identifies and invites three qualified reviewers with expertise in fields related to the manuscript’s scope. If the initial invitations are not accepted, additional reviewers are invited. This process typically takes 3-5 days.
Step 4. Reviewer Invitation and Review Process (3-4 Weeks)
ACAJ employs a double-blinded review system with a minimum of 3 expert reviewers. Authors' names, affiliations, email addresses, and acknowledgments are anonymized by the editor before inviting reviewers. Invited reviewers should be affiliated with institutions distinct from the corresponding author. This step generally takes 3-4 weeks.
Step 5. Final Decision by Editor-in-Chief (1 Week)
The Editor-in-Chief, along with the Associate Editors, reviews the evaluation reports, comments, and recommendations provided by the reviewers. A final decision is made, which may be one of the following: Accept Submission, Revisions Required, Resubmit for Review, or Decline Submission. The final decision is communicated to the author via the ThaiJO system. If the decision is "Revisions Required" or "Resubmit for Review," the author has 3-4 weeks to submit the revised manuscript.
Step 6. Author Proofreading and English Editing (1 Week)
The author(s) engage in proofreading and ensure language accuracy through a professional editor. They must respond to queries from the language editor and improve any low-quality figures. The corresponding author signs the copyright transfer form on behalf of all co-authors to ensure completion within approximately one week.
Step 7. Final Corrections and Publication (1 Week)
After the final manuscript is submitted, it is sent to the Assistant Editor for formatting and article design in accordance with the journal’s guidelines. A CrossRef DOI is assigned, and the article is published on the journal’s website. This final stage typically takes 3-4 days.