Comparing the learning outcome of studying of Chinese vocabularies (remembering vocabularies and pronunciation) with normal teaching and active learning by games


  • Darunee Bunkrong School of Liberal Arts Walailak University Nakhon Si Thammarat 80160, Thailand


active learning, normal learning, learning by games


The research in the topic of comparing the learning outcome of studying of Chinese vocabularies (remembering vocabularies and pronunciation) with normal teaching and active learning by games of students in Walailak University, second student year. The objective of the research are 1) to compare the learning outcome of studying of Chinese vocabularies (remembering vocabularies and pronunciation) with normal teaching and active learning by games and 2) to evaluate satisfaction of learner in active learning by games in Chinese Arts and culture. The purpose group of the research is 34 registered students in Chinese Arts and culture classified into 2 groups which are  experimental group and control group using GPAX for selection. The instrument in the research is capacity test afteractive learning and questionnaire for evaluate satisfaction of learner in active learning.

The research result found that most target group are 30 female as 88.23% , 4 male as 11.76%. The result of comparing in learning outcome found that experimental group have higher score than control group which studying in normal group significantly at 0.05 level. The result of evaluate satisfaction of learner in active learning has well level in mean 4.65


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How to Cite

Bunkrong, D. (2018). Comparing the learning outcome of studying of Chinese vocabularies (remembering vocabularies and pronunciation) with normal teaching and active learning by games. Asian Journal of Arts and Culture, 18(2), 115–144. Retrieved from