Walailak Abode of Culture journal and advancement toward international databases Walailak Abode of Culture, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80160, Thailand
Main Article Content
Walailak Abode of Culture journal has been a journal in art and culture for more than 20 years with determination to disseminate news and knowledge of art and culture and serve as an open forum for exchange of academic knowledge of art and culture. Walailak Abode of Culture is a journal of Walailak University, nurtured and driven forward under Walailak University 20-year strategic plan transforming the university into “prestigious research university of Thailand” and “World class University”.
Walailak Abode of Culture Journal needs to devise a development plan to promote the journal’s standard to measure up to international databases’ standard. This article presents a promotion and development plan of Walailak Abode of Culture Journal outlined based on the analysis of the journal’s various topics: workflow of CJWU, analysis of CJWU using SWOT Analysis, Setting OKR objective and key results of the journal and strategic plan of the journal operation. The insights extracted will be used as strategies and guidelines on making the journal achieve the goals by leaps and bounds on the basis of virtue and responsibility, and paving the way for international databases as planned between 2023 and 2027.
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© 2018 by Asian Journal of Arts and Culture, Walailak University. All rights reserved.
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