SCIENCE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS ON PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE FOR STEM การรับรู้เกี่ยวกับความรู้ในเนื้อหาผนวกวิธีสอนสะเต็มศึกษาของครูวิทยาศาสตร์

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Chutima Vichaidit
Chatree Faikhamta


The purpose of this research was to study in-service science teachers’ perception on pedagogical content knowledge for STEM. The participants were in-service teachers who were used to implement STEM in their classrooms from 106 schools in the southern part of Thailand including Chumphon, Ranong, Krabi, and Suratthani Provience. The research instruments were a questionnaire on teachers’ perception on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for STEM and a semi-structured interview protocol. The collected data from questionnaire were analyzed using frequency and percentage whereas the data gathered from interview were analyzed using interpretive analysis. The findings indicate that the perception of in-service science teachers about PCK for STEM was considered as at good level, especially, knowledge of students' understanding in STEM Education. However, when considering the details of each component, we found that the perception of in-service science teachers was not clear and there were some misconceptions about teaching STEM including the nature of STEM, level of difficulties in STEM content, using advanced technology to search for related information, thinking in engineering process, and outcomes of STEM Education.

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How to Cite
Vichaidit, C., & Faikhamta, C. . (2019). SCIENCE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS ON PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE FOR STEM: การรับรู้เกี่ยวกับความรู้ในเนื้อหาผนวกวิธีสอนสะเต็มศึกษาของครูวิทยาศาสตร์. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(2), 152–168. retrieved from
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