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Tanaphon Klinmung
Phetcharee Rupavijetra
Choocheep Puthaprasert
Yongyouth Yaboonthong


This Research and Development (R&D) was divided into three phases: regarding the investigating of the conditions, problems, and factors concerning developing learning management competency for secondary education teachers, informants were 327 school personnel, instrument used was a questionnaire, and data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation; the creation of a model of developing learning management competency for secondary education teachers, participants were
15 experts, instruments used were connoisseurship and a model verification form, data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and summarizing; and the result studying of implementing the model of developing learning management competency for secondary education teachers, respondents were
15 teachers, instruments used were an evaluation form and focus group discussion, data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and summarizing in topics and issues. The results revealed as follows: 1) the conditions were at the lowest level, problems were at the highest level, and factors were overall at a high level, 2) the model of developing learning management competency for secondary education teachers composed of 6 components and results of model verification were at the highest level both accuracy and suitability, and 3) The results of implementing the model of developing learning management competency was found that all teachers who had competencies at a high level both knowledge and process skills, the satisfaction was discussed in 9 topics, and they discussed concerning reflective thinking in 3 issues.

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How to Cite
Klinmung, T., Rupavijetra, P., Puthaprasert, C. ., & Yaboonthong, Y. (2019). A MODEL OF DEVELOPING LEARNING MANAGEMENT COMPETENCY FOR SECONDARY EDUCATION TEACHERS TOWARDS THAILAND 4.0 ERA. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(1), 74–90. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edujournal_nu/article/view/171574
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