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Kornkanok Lertdechapat
Parinda Limpanont Promratana


Collaborative problem solving (CPS) ability refers to the capacity of an individual to engage and attempt to solve problem with group members collaboratively. The crucial features of teaching strategies enhancing CPS ability should consist of communicating, managing conflict, organizing a team, building consensus, and managing process. Collaborative inquiry (CI) is claimed to be effective to enhance students’ CPS ability. However, the research on effects of CI is still limited. This study aimed to study CPS ability of students who learned science through CI and compare with students who learned science through 5E instructional model by using quasi-experimental research. The samples were 37 students who learned science through CI. 3-level scoring rubrics were used to collect students’ CPS ability and then analyzed by using mean and SD. Effect size and independent sample t-test were used to compare CPS ability between two mentioned groups of students. The result revealed that students who learned science through CI had higher mean score of CPS ability than another group at .05 level of significance and their CPS was considered as high level. They deeply discussed the problem situations in which help them to solve problems efficiently. They were encouraged to give feedback about task-doing that covered the actual performance. From these results, teachers should consider the students’ roles for completing tasks collaboratively. Further studies may explore the effect of teamwork which has relevant features to CI and effects of gender and learning styles on CPS.

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How to Cite
Lertdechapat, K., & Promratana, P. L. (2019). EFFECTS OF COLLABORATIVE INQUIRY ON COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY OF LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(4), 1–14. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edujournal_nu/article/view/187189
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