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This theoretical gap analysis evaluates the alignment of the revised teacher education curriculum and the qualifications for Senior High School (SHS) teaching positions. The analysis is guided with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework for teachers (Mishra & Koeler, 2006) by matching four artefacts to examine the alignment. The revised policies, standards and guidelines for Bachelor of Secondary Education (Commission on Higher Education Memorandum No. 75, s. 2017) is matched with the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge requirements for SHS teaching positions reflected in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), hiring guidelines for SHS teaching positions, and strand scheduling of subjects, respectively. Results reveal that in terms of technological knowledge, an alignment between the revised teacher education curriculum and PPST is notable but becomes potentially at risk of being misaligned when Technology for Teaching and Learning courses 1 and 2 are matched with SHS subjects because both courses failed to regard extensive lists of other technologies applicable for STEM education and their periodically altering landscape. The new teacher education curriculum also responds well to the pedagogical requirements for SHS teaching qualifications except for a major drawback, that is providing inappropriate clinical experiences. As to content courses, the revised teacher education curriculum excludes some courses very relevant to SHS teaching especially in science education. These results imply the need to add an additional year to the existing curriculum to intensify content, pedagogy, and technology trainings for pre-service SHS teachers if the program is intended for both use (i.e. Junior High School and SHS teaching preparation) or open a new program specific for SHS pre-service teachers.
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