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Albert Patrick J. David
Michael John D.L. Mabanta
Sheryl D.S. Ellamil
Ericson H. Peñalba


The widespread availability and usage of QR (Quick Response) Code technology has spurred on various innovations aimed at providing more convenient and faster access to information. In the field of education, this technology has been utilized in mechanisms that facilitate efficient monitoring of attendance. In this study, a QR Code-based attendance monitoring system that simplifies the processes involved in its usage is proposed. This paper then describes the configuration and implementation details of the system. In order to determine its acceptability, 32 instructors and 98 students were asked to respond to a 5-point Likert questionnaire based on the prescribed standards for evaluating the project’s software quality. Results show that the respondents mostly indicated either highly acceptable or acceptable ratings across all criteria, namely functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and maintainability. Further analysis of the data using Welch’s t-test confirmed a significant difference in the ratings of the instructors and those of the students. Overall, the results show that the instructors had a higher level of acceptability than the students. The results of this study indicate that the system can be adopted and utilized as a viable means for checking students’ attendance on the campus.

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How to Cite
David, A. P. J. ., Mabanta, M. J. D. ., Ellamil, S. D. ., & Peñalba, E. H. . (2020). ACCEPTABILITY OF AN ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM USING QR CODE AMONG COLLEGE INSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(3), 1–18. retrieved from
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