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Mustapha Adam Ishola
Yusuf Suleiman
Abdulrahman Olanrenwaju Ibrahim
Yusuf Laro Ibrahim
Lawal Ade Aliyu


Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the nonexistence of violence and hostility. Generally, peace is usually used to mean a lack of conflict. It is on this premise that this study examined the nexus between principals’ leadership styles and peace education in secondary schools, Kwara State, Nigeria. Descriptive research design of correlational type was used. Stratified and random sampling technique was employed to select 10 basic schools and 200 teachers’. The questionnaires titled “Principals’ Leadership Styles and Peace Education Questionnaires (PLSPEQ)” were used to collect data from the respondents. Three research hypotheses were formulated and tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation method. The findings of the study revealed that there was significant relationship between principals’ leadership styles and peace education in Ilorin West Local Government Area Secondary Schools, Kwara State. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the principals should consistently evaluate their leadership styles to enhance peaceful coexistence and effective service delivery in schools. School authority should serve as an ambassador of peace education through school community relations, seminars, conferences and workshops on leadership training to be organized for school principals to monitor their administrative effectiveness.

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How to Cite
Adam Ishola, M. ., Suleiman, Y. ., Olanrenwaju Ibrahim, A. ., Laro Ibrahim, Y. . ., & Ade Aliyu, L. . (2022). NEXUS BETWEEN PRINCIPALS’ LEADERSHIP STYLES AND PEACE EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KWARA STATE, NIGERIA . Journal of Education and Innovation, 24(3), 86–96. retrieved from
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