DEVELOPMENT OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ SCIENTIFIC DRAWING COMPETENCY AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN BIOLOGY DRAWING COURSE การพัฒนาสมรรถนะการวาดภาพทางวิทยาศาสตร์และความพึงพอใจของนิสิตต่อการจัดการเรียนรู้โดยใช้โครงงานเป็นฐานในรายวิชาการวาดภาพทางชีววิทยา
Main Article Content
The purpose of this interpretive research was to develop undergraduates’ scientific drawing competency and satisfaction towards project-based learning. The participants were 15 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science who enrolled in Biology drawing course at the university in Bangkok. They were selected by purposive selection. The research instruments included scientific drawing competency tests, satisfaction toward learning tests, and reflective journals. The quantitative data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The findings revealed that the scientific drawing competency after learning was hinger than before learning. Their scientific drawing competency was considered in 3 aspects: 1) Knowledge aspect: they had complete understanding after learning (28.33 percent) in which higher than before learning (13.33 percent); 2) Scientific drawing skill aspect: their scientific drawing skill after learning (in good level) were higher than before learning (in moderate level) in all components; and 3) Scientific drawing attitude aspect: their scientific drawing attitude after learning ( = 4.11, S.D. = 0.30) were higher than before learning (
= 3.70, S.D. = 0.26). The researchers also found that 14 undergraduate students (93.33 percent) had satisfaction towards learning using project-based learning at a higher level.
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