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William S. Augusto Jr.


This study aimed to evaluate and determine the level and correlation of reading comprehension and grit of grade 4 to 6 students of Cebu Normal University-Integrated Laboratory School. This study was participated by 133 students who were chosen using complete enumeration sampling. Data on this study were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using Pearson correlation tool. Results revealed that 43% of grade 4 to 6 students has unsatisfactory level of reading comprehension performance in Filipino which implies that they need to have intervention for improvement. In addition, reading comprehension of the students was greatly affected by the unfamiliarity of the language. On the other hand, 52% of these students have moderate level of grit and it has been influenced by their characteristic, attitude and culture. Moreover, it was also shown that grit had been positively significant in increasing the level of comprehension performance with the correlation value of 0.002698. Thus, it is recommended by this paper to have more studies on ways of improving level of comprehension and grit. In addition, integrative and holistic teaching are also recommended to focus not only the intellectual aspect of the students but also the behavioral aspects. Moreover, students are encouraged to read more reading materials written in Filipino language for them to be exposed in the said language. On the other hand, teachers must also seek help from the school registered guidance counselor to monitor the behavior of the students.

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How to Cite
Augusto Jr., W. S. (2021). GRIT AS FACTOR IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION IN FILIPINO: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY. Journal of Education and Innovation, 24(1), 45–55. retrieved from
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