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The research is aimed 1) to compare the reading literacy of the students before and after the lesson using WebQuest and QAR strategy and 2) to compare the reading literacy in each element both before and after the lesson using WebQuest and QAR strategy. Thirty – two participants were recruited from grade 8th students in a large – scale public school in Ratchaburi province using cluster random sampling. The research instruments are lesson plan using WebQuest and QAR strategy, comprehensive test, reading engagement test, and reading engagement record. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Quasi-experimental research were employed to analyze the data. T–test independent was used to compare the pre-test and post-test score. The findings reveal that 1) the participants have gained more the average score of reading literacy after the WebQuest and QAR lesson at the 0.1 significant level, and 2) the participants have gained more average score for each element of reading literacy at the 0.5 significant level.
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