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Pinanta Chatwattana


The concept of virtual technology is the application of various technologies in a wide range of operations with an aim to maximize the benefits when working in a virtual learning environment. This advanced technology is directly beneficial to users as it can create more accessible experiences through input devices and 3D rendering devices by accessing virtual spaces and learning through virtual community. Virtual technology is considered a technological advance that not only supports the world’s changes but also encourages learners to focus on self-directed learning and active learning. Plus, real-time interaction enables users to visualize results instantly, which can promote interaction and collaboration and meanwhile increase learning efficiency and learning skills.  All of these are indispensable for digital learners because these skills shall enable them to respond well to the digital transformation in the future. Nowadays, instruction management usually applies several formats of virtual technology, e.g., learning through virtual classrooms, operation through virtual laboratories, searching for learning resources through virtual libraries or virtual museums, etc. The said application refers to the application of current technologies in conjunction with input devices and 3D rendering devices and virtual learning environments, such as augmented reality technology, virtual reality technology, mixed reality technology, extended reality technology, artificial intelligence technology, Internet of Things, machine learning, metaverse, etc. These are all regarded as important elements of today's virtual technology, which are very popular and widely discussed.

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How to Cite
Chatwattana, P. (2023). THE VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY TOWARDS FUTURE LEARNING AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Journal of Education and Innovation, 25(3), 331–350. Retrieved from
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