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Panya Akkaraputtapong
Doungkamol Bangchuad
Ubonwan Hongwityakorn
Peson Chobphon


Local arts and cultures are important tools in education for cultivating moral values in students and molding their behaviors into desirable ones. This multi-case study aimed to explore the school curriculum management factors for promoting local art and culture (LAC) transmission in the Border Patrol Police schools, of which LAC preservation is a core mission conforming the development plan for children and youth in remote areas initiated by H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. A field group interview was conducted for the data collection. The data were analyzed through data-driven content analysis, where codes and categories were emergent from the data. The findings unveiled four school curriculum management factors for promoting LAC transmission: 1) building partnership with external organizations, parents, and communities; 2) allocating local people as instructors such as teacher, village sages, and alumni; 3) motivating students through value cultivation, extra income support, content modernization, and fun content selection; and 4) integrating local art and culture contents with basic subjects such as science, social studies, and arts and music.

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How to Cite
Akkaraputtapong, P., Bangchuad, D. ., Hongwityakorn, U., & Chobphon, P. (2024). SCHOOL CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT FOR LOCAL ART AND CULTURE TRANSMISSION: A MULTI-CASE STUDY OF THE BORDER PATROL POLICE SCHOOLS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(1), 231–241. retrieved from
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