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Henry Yuh Anchunda
Wareerat Kaewurai


The research objectives were to: 1) develop and assess the quality of an instructional model, 2) implement and compare pre-service teachers’ lesson planning and instructional material development abilities with the committed standard criteria of 80%, and 3) investigate pre-service teachers’ satisfaction with the developed instructional model. The research subjects consisted of 65 third-year students from the division of English language, selected using the purposive sampling technique. The research instruments included an instructional model, instructional model manual, instructional model and manual evaluation forms, lesson plan and instructional material development abilities evaluation form, and a satisfaction investigation questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentages, and content analysis. The results revealed the following.1) An instructional model was developed with five components: learning principles, learning objectives, learning content, instructional processes, and learning assessment and evaluation. The instructional process consists of steps i.e. learners’ and content analysis, collective design, development and evaluation of lesson plans and instructional materials, implementation of lesson plans and instructional materials, collective reflection, evaluation and feedback, lesson plan, and instructional material modification. The instructional model developed had the highest level of appropriateness (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.82, SD = 0.08). 2) The students’ lesson planning ability and instructional material development skills were 83.03% and 82.09%, respectively, which were higher than the committed criterion of 80%, indicating the effectiveness of the model. 3) Pre-service teachers’ satisfaction with the developed model and implementation process was at its highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.89, SD = 0.09).

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How to Cite
Yuh Anchunda, H., & Kaewurai, W. (2024). A DEVELOPMENT OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL BASED ON THE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN APPROACH AND SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM TO ENHANCE PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANNING AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT ABILITIES. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(1), 15–35. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edujournal_nu/article/view/262360
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