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Jakkrit Jantakoon
Supornthip Thanapatchotiwat
Wareerat Kaewurai
Amornrat Wattanatorn
Kanyaphak Phumyaem


Chiang Rai is the Thailand's highest earthquake prone province. Teachers are an important mechanism in educating students to reduce the risk. This research article aims 1) to create and verify the quality of the teacher training course to develop a competency-based integrated unit on coping with earthquake, 2) to study the effectiveness of the teacher training course. The target groups were teachers at Ban Rong Bong School, Chiang Rai Province, total 15 people. The study was conducted by researching and development processes. The research instruments were teacher training plans, knowledge test, competency-based integrated unit assessment form, and interview form. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, t-test and content analysis. The results showed that;
1. The teacher training course comprised 7 components including concepts, objectives, learning contents, training activities, learning materials and learning assessments. The learning contents were divided into 3 units such as 1) earthquake as near danger, 2) school and earthquake response, 3) competency-based integrated unit to deal with earthquakes. The results of the teacher training course were appropriate at a high level. (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.43, SD = 0.14)
2. The effectiveness of the teacher training course was founded that 1) teachers had knowledge in developing a competency-based integrated unit for dealing with disasters after the training significantly higher than before at .05, 2) teachers can determine the necessary capacity to cope with earthquakes, define competency-based learning outcomes, design competency-based integrated learning activities that across more than 4 subjects, including competency-based learning assessment, the overall level is good, and 3) teachers realized the importance, focused on the benefits, and joined to educate students to achieve holistic learning and the competency in dealing with earthquakes, and appreciated the teaching profession more.

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How to Cite
Jantakoon, J., Thanapatchotiwat, S. ., Kaewurai, W., Wattanatorn, A. ., & Phumyaem, K. . (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHER TRAINING COURSE TO DEVELOP A COMPETENCY-BASED INTEGRATION UNIT ON COPING WITH EARTHQUAKE: A CASE STUDY OF BAN RONG BONG SCHOOL, CHIANG RAI. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(1), 102–115. retrieved from
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