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The purposes of this research were (1) to study the need for Blended Training model with Professional Learning Community (BTPLC Model) to enhance Learning Management Competency using Communication Learning Technique (CLT) with Information Technology Communication (ITC) for English Teachers in Private School, (2) to study competency criterion for language learning management competency for communication with ITC, (3) to develop and verify the quality of BTPLC model, and (4) to study the results of using the with Professional Learning Community to enhance Learning Management Competency. The sample consisted of 30 primary school teachers in Kamphaeng Phet Province by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were 1) the needs of BTPLC Model questionnaire, 2) the assessment form for the appropriateness of learning management competency criterion, 3) BTPLC Model and manual, 4) the appropriate assessment form for BTPLC Model, 5) knowledge competency test before and after training and the evaluation form for language learning management skills for communication, 6) the assessment of the learning management competency using CLT with ITC, 7) Observation form of learning management competency using communication learning technique with ITC, and 8) Satisfaction form of BTPLC. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, and standard deviation and t-test dependent. The results of research were as follows:
1. Teachers needed BTPLC model at high level ( = 4.25, S.D. =0.78).
2. The learning management competency using CLT with ITC competency revealed that the knowledge competency had 5 indicators and skill competency had 7 indicators.
3. The appropriable components of BTPLC model consisted of 7 components as follows: training model principles, objectives, trainers/trainees, training content, Blended training process with the professional learning community, suitability media and facilities and learning management competency using communication learning technique with information technology communication. The model was evaluated by experts, it was found that all components were appropriate at the highest level ( = 4.78, SD = 0.42). When analyzing the efficiency of the training model, it was found that the value was 81.80/82.67 which is higher than the specified criterion.
4. The results of using the BTPLC model found that 4.1) Teachers enhance the knowledge of learning management competency using CLT with ITC after training were statistically significant higher than post-test at the .05; 4.2) Teachers enhance the skill of learning management competency using CLT with ITC, the assessment of skill competency had the highest quality level ( = 4.71, SD = 0.52); 4.3) Teachers enhance the learning management competency using CLT with ITC in practicing in the classroom, it was found that teachers had the highest level of teaching quality (
= 4.85, SD = 0.37); and 4.4) There were satisfied with blended training model with PLC at the highest level (
= 4.63, SD = 0.51).
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