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Anmarjorie Bullo
Mauricio Adlaon
Romel Mutya


This study examined and compared the research capability of senior high school students as assessed by their teachers and as self-assessed by the students themselves. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of agreement or discrepancy between the teacher evaluations and student self-assessments regarding the research capabilities of senior high school students in terms of the research background, problem and hypothesis, research design and methods, and report research. A descriptive research design was utilized using a researcher-made survey questionnaire that undergone validity and reliability. Data was gathered from 277 students and 20 teachers in public schools. Gathered data were systematically treated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that the research capability of senior high students is generally less competent. There was no statistically significant difference in the assessment between students and teachers, which suggests that teachers' evaluation of their students' research capability coincides with the students' self-assessment.

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How to Cite
Bullo, A., Adlaon, M., & Mutya, R. (2024). RESEARCH CAPABILITY OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: TEACHER’S EVALUATION VS. STUDENT’S SELF-ASSESSMENT. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 100–109. retrieved from
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