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Janet Mananay
Joje Mar Sanchez
Gino Sumalinog
Charess Goles
Isidro Max Alejandro


This study identifies the factors that affect teachers’ technology use in school-based, classroom-based, and class-based teaching functions. Through descriptive regression study, college teachers (N=536) from higher education institutions from Central and Western Visayas, Philippines, responded to standardized tools. Ten constructs were derived from these tools and subjected to regression analysis set at a 95% confidence level. Study findings revealed that the teachers have high extents of enabling factors, including resource use, design, and motivators. They promote and enhance technology integration in various teaching functions. However, deterring factors such as letting the teachers use reading resources and design multimedia resources consume their time and limit them from putting technology into work. Regression analysis showed that technology integration and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation significantly affect technology use, whereas use, design of some resources, and lack of self-reliance negatively impact technology use. In conclusion, technology is an essential component of higher education, which needs necessary support, motivation, and attitudes. As such, training is recommended for teachers to cope with these educational changes and provide a better learning experience.

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How to Cite
Mananay, J., Sanchez, J. M. ., Sumalinog, G., Goles, C. ., & Alejandro, I. M. . (2024). FACTORS AFFECTING TECHNOLOGY USE IN TEACHING FUNCTIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: A REGRESSION ANALYSIS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 46–58. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edujournal_nu/article/view/264131
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