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Chalida Kankhwao
Virat Charoenchue


The purposes of this research were to study the compositions and indicators of self-discipline of students, to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs of the self-discipline of students, to develop strategies and evaluate the suitability and possibility of the strategies for the self-discipline of students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chaiyaphum. The research was divided into 3 stages. Stage 1 was to study the compositions and indicators of the self-discipline of students. Stages 2 was to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs of the self-discipline of students. Stages 3 was to develop strategies and evaluate the suitability and possibility of the strategies for the self-discipline of students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chaiyaphum. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Priority Needs Index were used for data analysis. The findings indicated that:
1. There were 4 compositions and 33 indicators of the self-discipline of students; 1) responsibility with 9 indicators, 2) punctuation with 6 indicators, 3) complying with rules and regulations with 3 indicators, and 4) the respect to people with 10 indicators. All compositions were in the highest level.
2. The current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs of self-discipline of students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chaiyaphum were found that; 1) the current conditions were in middle level, 2) the desirable conditions were in the highest level, and 3) the needs of self-discipline of students were found that punctuation was in the highest need level, respect to people was in the second need level, and complying with rules and regulations was in the lowest need level.
3. The overall results of the strategy development of the self-discipline of students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chaiyaphum were found that the strategy development of the self-discipline of students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chaiyaphum developed with the seminar by 5 experts including 1) vision, 2) 4 missions, 3) 4 goals, 4) 2 primary strategies, 5) 6 secondary strategies, 6) ways to use strategies to develop 6 main goals, 7) activities for self-discipline of student development, and 8) 3 conditions of success with suitability were in the highest level, and possibility were in the highest level.

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How to Cite
Kankhwao, C., & Charoenchue, V. (2024). STRATEGIES TO DEVELOP SELF-DISCIPLINED STUDENT UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE CHAIYAPHUM. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(2), 93–105. retrieved from
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