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Muanfun Yaowiwat
Wanintorn Poonpaiboonpipat
Wararat Wongkia


Misconceptions have been determined as one of the most important barriers on students’ learning in mathematics. The purpose of this study is to investigate and review prior research studies on Thai students’ misconceptions in mathematics. The systematic literature review seeks to understand: (i) the distribution and amount of research, (ii) research foci, and (iii) methods for determining students’ misconceptions had been used during 2004 to 2022. Within the scope of the study, 56 articles were selected based on a set of criteria. Findings revealed that most of the studies investigated Grade 7–9 students’ misconceptions, while only one study explored on lower elementary levels. Numbers & algebra was the mathematical content strand given the most attention, while there was not much attention given on geometry. Five foci of research on students’ misconceptions in mathematics were categorized based on research objectives and results. It showed that most of the studies focused on determining students’ misconceptions in specific concepts, not for eliminating the misconceptions. Different diagnostic tests and methods were developed and used, e.g., open-ended tests, and interviews. The methods were employed in various ways to identify and enrich researchers’ understanding of students’ misconceptions.

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How to Cite
Yaowiwat, M., Poonpaiboonpipat, W., & Wongkia, W. . (2024). RESEARCH ON THAI STUDENTS’ MISCONCEPTIONS IN MATHEMATICS: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 59–85. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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