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Chama Tiensopha
Sathiraporn Chaowachai
Anucha Kornpuang


This research aimed to explore the factors of being a happy organization of private school by using the exploratory research methodology. The sample of this research was 373 fundamental education administrators and teachers of private school under the Office of the Private Education Commission in the lower northern part of Thailand that were sampled by random sampling. The data were collected by using a 5 level estimation scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.96 of 53 items. Exploratory factor analysis was used to analyze the data. Then extracted components by Principal component analysis and orthogonally rotated components axis with Varimax rotation method. The result showed that the composition of being a happy organization of private school consists of nine components with Factor loading from 0.518 to 0.762. : 1) the quality person, 2) the good achievements in educational management, 3) the good physical atmosphere, 4) teachers ‘s work-life balance, 5) a good relationship of teacher, 6) life planning, 7) growth mindset person, 8) good behavior, and 9) work support. All of these components were able to explain the variance of being a happy organization of private school at 52.751 percent.

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How to Cite
Tiensopha, C., Chaowachai, S. ., & Kornpuang, A. (2024). FACTOR ANALYSIS OF BEING A HAPPY ORGANIZATION OF PRIVATE SCHOOL. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 220–231. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edujournal_nu/article/view/265566
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