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Chantasuk Atcharawadee
Roderick Julian Robillos
Ong-Art Namwong


This study investigated the impact of the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) combined with the LINE app (a short form of application) on Thai primary school students' English sentence construction performance. A mixed-mode approach with a one-group pretest-posttest design was employed, involving a class of 30 students selected randomly from four Grade 4 classes. The study assessed improvements in sentence construction, students' perceptions post-intervention, the correlation between their sentence construction performance and perceptions, and their learning experiences from the intervention. Instruments used were a pre- and post-test, a perception questionnaire, observation fieldnotes, and semi-structured interviews. Results indicated a notable improvement in sentence construction post-intervention, with pre-test scores averaging 44.40 (S.D. = 20.284) and post-test scores averaging 64.83 (S.D. = 16.463). Students recognized the benefits of PWIM at the strongly agree level (average score: 4.622, S.D. = 0.273), though they rated the advantages of LINE app slightly lower (average score: 4.513, S.D. = 0.544). Nevertheless, students strongly agreed that the combined use of PWIM and LINE app was beneficial (average score: 4.564, S.D. = 0.138). No correlation was found between their construction abilities and perceptions. Qualitative findings highlighted the advantages, challenges, and unique experiences students had with the intervention.

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How to Cite
Atcharawadee, C., Robillos, R. J., & Namwong, O.-A. . (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION THROUGH PICTURE WORD INDUCTIVE MODEL (PWIM) AND LINE APPLICATION. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 1–18. Retrieved from
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