A Study of Relationship between TOPIK Scores and Academic Performance of Korean Language Students in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mahasarakham University

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ศิริลักษณ์ เจิมจิตต์พรชัย


                   The purposes of this research were to determine the strength of the relationship between TOPIK I score and GPA of required courses in listening and reading, the strength of the relationship between TOPIK II score and GPA of required courses in listening, reading and writing, and the appropriate prediction models of TOPIK I and TOPIK II scores of Korean major students at Mahasarakham University. The collected data were secondary data from Korean field in the Department of Thai and Eastern Languages, and the Division of Registration at Mahasarakham University. The data consisted of TOPIK I score, TOPIK II score, and GPA of required courses in reading, listening, and writing of undergraduate students in Korea major of academic year 2014-2015. The statistical methods for analyzing the data were correlation and regression analyses. The results were as follows. 1) GPA of required courses in listening and reading was not significantly related to TOPIK I score at the 0.05 level. 2) Each of GPA of required courses in listening, reading and writing were significantly related to TOPIK II score at the 0.05 level. 3) There were no appropriate prediction models for TOPIK I and TOPIK II scores.

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How to Cite
เจิมจิตต์พรชัย ศ. (2019). A Study of Relationship between TOPIK Scores and Academic Performance of Korean Language Students in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mahasarakham University. Journal of Man and Society, 5(1), 124–138. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/212990
Research Article


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