Well-being Behavior of Children and Youths in Integral Steering Tasks of Children and Youths, Ubon Ratchathani Province
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The research aims to study behavioral well-being practiced by the local children and youths who participated in the Integral Steering of Children and Youths at Provincial Level: Ubon Ratchathani Project. The data were collected by using questionnaires disseminated to 190 children and youths, group conversations, and interviews with their coaches, mentors, and officers of the local administrative organizations.
Results reveal that the well-being behaviors of the children and youths who participated in this project were ranked at high level by which means of each aspect of the behaviors has shown; mental well-being was ranked with the highest mean, then social, spiritual, and physical aspect of well-being, respectively. The means of all four aspects were at high level range.
The children and youths participating in this project consisted of male and female. They were different in terms of age and educational attainment; however, their general well-being behaviors were not found different. Concerning their ages, the male and female participants were not statically different in physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Nevertheless, the children and youths who acquired different levels of education were different in terms of physical and social well-being with statistical significance (P =.05).
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