Influential Factors of Being Female Sugar Cane Workers in Donsakham Village, Srimuangmai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Watcharee Srikham


This study purports to study factors that influence being female sugar cane harvesting wage labors and study role and status changes within their family of 8 female sugar cane labors who live in Donsakham village, Srimuangmai district, Ubon Ratchathani province. The study is a qualitative research. Data is collected by in-depth interviews and non-participant observations.

Results reveal that the influential factors of being the female sugar cane harvesting labors are pushed by original factors which include low income, familial debts, being unemployed after paddy harvesting season ended, sizable family, having labor social networks, and seasonal immigration values. The pulling factors from the destinations consist of sufficient income and proper welfare and the job is a work opportunity for women. Some factors are between the original factors and destination factors. Those are supports from their families, low costs, period of time of immigrating is not too long and procedures are not overly complicated, and personal factors such as age, education, marriage statuses- single, married, and divorced are the factors that could influence women to immigrate and become the sugar cane wage labors.   

As the sugar cane harvesting labors, women achieve some now roles in their families such as a bread winner, a decision maker, providing educational opportunity for their children, and uplifting their family wellbeing. In terms of their familial status, theirs are also directed to positive changes which mean that they acquire more acceptance from their family members especially in decision making on important issues. They gain equity and equality as well as they are complimented by the family members when they could gain income. They thus elevate their family wellbeing.

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How to Cite
Srikham, W. (2019). Influential Factors of Being Female Sugar Cane Workers in Donsakham Village, Srimuangmai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Man and Society, 5(1), 68–83. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Watcharee Srikham, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Social Science Department, Ubon Ratchathani University

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Social Science Department

Assistant Professor


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