The Identity of Ban Chiang Hian Historical Community, Mahasarakham Province, in Graphic Design.

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isares sooksenee


              A research project titled 'Graphic design of the identity of Ban Chiang Hian Historical Community, Mahasarakham Province. The objective is to study the distinctive identity of Ban Chiang Hian community which shows the uniqueness of the city and use it as a guideline for the graphic design of the community's logo by the process of research and development (R&D Research and Development). The targeted areas are village no.3, 18, and 23 at Ban Chiang Hian community. The research project consists of two sections: 1. finding the identity in the areas, and 2. designing the logo.

             The research findings showed, the distinctive identity of Ban Chiang Hian community is based on the belief in supernaturalism, respect, and belief in ancestral spirits, which has influenced both concrete and abstract forms such as the shrine of the ancestor, Mae Nang shrine, ancient jars, white squirrels and rockets. These are connected to an original tradition. The important thing is participation in the community to create the logo to create ownership or pride in what they have created. The form of a community's logo is to convey the group's identity. It is necessary to have a complete information. Bring only one thing to be a representative may be against the important role of harmony in the community.

             The Ban Chiang Hian community's logo was created and developed from participation in presenting the identity of the community by the community. These were the main factors that made the community cherished, realized, and prided in the context of their community. It was better to try to go into the community to build the community than going to change the city.

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How to Cite
sooksenee, isares. (2020). The Identity of Ban Chiang Hian Historical Community, Mahasarakham Province, in Graphic Design. Journal of Man and Society, 5(2), 7–26. Retrieved from
Research Article


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