An Evaluation of the School Curriculum on High Scope Concept of Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (Elementary) -

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นายกานต์ชนก ใครอุบล


This study aimed to evaluate implementation of the school curriculum on High Scope Concept of Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (Elementary). The CIPP Model was used to 1) evaluate context of curriculum in purposes of curriculum, structure of curriculum and course structure in the
curriculum 2) evaluate input factors of curriculum structure, contents, learner development activities, knowledge and ability of administrators and teachers, place for learning, community partnership, teachers and instructional medias. 3) evaluate processes of curriculum in learning management, evaluation and assessment of learning management, curriculum management and processes of thesis. 4) evaluate products of curriculum (awards and honors and community acceptance). 5) evaluate Impact
The sample of this study was 25 administrators and teachers, 45 parents and 30 students, obtained using the purposive sampling technique. The research instruments included 2 forms of 5-rating-scale curriculum evaluation forms; 1) the questionnaires consisted of 40 items for administrators and teachers, 2) the questionnaires consisted of 40 items for parents with a discriminating powers ranged from .65 to .97 and an overall reliability of from .98 and .98 and a 6-item structured-interview form for 1-3 Kindergarten students, a 6-item structured-interview form for parents, and 6-item structured-interview form for the teachers. The collect data were analyzed by using percentage (%), mean (X) and standard deviation (S.D.)

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How to Cite
ใครอุบล น. (2020). An Evaluation of the School Curriculum on High Scope Concept of Mahasarakham University Demonstration School (Elementary): -. Journal of Man and Society, 5(2), 106–122. Retrieved from
Research Article


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