Promoting Sexual Abstinence Behavior among Youth

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เบญจมาภรณ์ รุ่งสาง


Youth sexual abstinence behavior is an appropriated sexual behavior to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. This paper proposes psychosocial perspectives on sexual abstinence behavior among adolescences which is included: Theory of Reasoned Action, Moral Development Theory, Theory of Planed Behavior and The Protection Motivation Theory. The result found that several factors are: personal such as perception and self-efficacy to control to avoid sexual behavior, family, peers and social factors such as social transmission, have influenced with youth sexual abstinence behavior. These outcomes are useful to develop program to promote youth sexual abstinence behavior in the future

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How to Cite
รุ่งสาง เ. (2020). Promoting Sexual Abstinence Behavior among Youth. Journal of Man and Society, 5(2), 149–158. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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