The Meaning of /dâi/ in Lao: A Cognitive Semantic Study

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thananan trongdee


Having polysemes is a normal phenomenon in natural languages. For example, the word /dâi/ ‘acquire’ is one of the polysemes in Lao. Based on the cognitive semantic approach, this study aims to subcategorize the meanings of /dâi/ in Lao and to study the cognitive processes for semantic extension of the prototypical senses of /dâi/, yielding lexical definitions and grammatical meanings. The short texts containing /dâi/ are gathered from Lao-Lao dictionaries, Lao textbooks, and Lao Corpus. The findings show that /dâi/ has nine meanings. There are two lexical meanings, i.e. ‘to posses’ and ‘to possess a chance to do something. In addition, there are seven grammatical meanings, i.e. ‘to have something done, ‘accomplish’, ‘achieve’, ‘ability’, ‘ability according to contexts’, ‘permission’ and ‘possibility’ The semantic extension of the prototypical meaning is activated by three cognitive processes, i.e. metaphor, metonymy, and subjectification.

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How to Cite
trongdee, thananan. (2021). The Meaning of /dâi/ in Lao: A Cognitive Semantic Study. Journal of Man and Society, 7(1), 167–189. retrieved from
Research Article


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