The The Acquisition of Vocabulary Knowledge in Thai EFL High School Students

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Worakrit Nontasee


                 Vocabulary knowledge is a multidimensional construct and requires the incremental learning process. Therefore, different vocabulary measures may be appropriate at the different stages of acquisition. This study investigates the acquisition of vocabulary knowledge aspects: form, meaning, and use. One hundred and fifty-four Thai EFL students were tested on their receptive and productive knowledge of these aspects, specifically word parts, form-meaning link, and collocation knowledge. The findings showed that word form is easier to acquire, followed by the meaning and use of a word. The correlation analysis revealed that all word knowledge aspects were interrelated in learning. Moreover, exposure to vocabulary has a positive effect on vocabulary acquisition, and each of the word knowledge aspects contributes to receptive and productive vocabulary development.

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Nontasee, W. (2020). The The Acquisition of Vocabulary Knowledge in Thai EFL High School Students. Journal of Man and Society, 6(1), 63–87. retrieved from
Research Article


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