The Application of Geo - informatics Technology for Studying Land Value Changes in Khon Kaen Municipality area Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University

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Khanittha Khoomaueng
Thanyarat Chaiyakarm


The purposes of the research are 1) to classify the changes of urban areas in Khon Kaen municipality area during 1995, 2005, 2012 and 2019 with visual interpretation techniques together with supervised classification by function Maximum Likelihood techniques in order to classify land use into 2 types which are urban land and suburban land. The result finds that the highest use of suburban land is in 1995, which is the amount of 23,976.5 rai or 83.3 per cent, while the urban land was only 4,773.5 rai or 16.7 per cent. The urban area will gradually increase every year to 7,617.3 rai, 12,243.9 rai and 15,345.3 rai, which are 26.5, 42.6 and 53.3 per cent, respectively. The urban areas in the Khon Kaen municipality area will increase rapidly. The agricultural and forestry areas will be changed into residences, commercial buildings, and condominiums for people to rent. It will also have a trading center for making good trades and exporting products. Moreover, many of the population will immigrate to pursue a career and study. 2) to analyze land value changes in each period between 2012 - 2015 and 2016 - 2019, it is found that the physical factors that have the most influence on the principle of land value change are transportation factors, especially in the area of Si Chan Road, and the Central Road, land plots that are in accordance with the highway number 12 and number 1231, causing Khon Kaen city to develop both vertical and horizontal area. Thus, this makes the land value in Khon Kaen municipality get higher...

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How to Cite
Khoomaueng, K., & Chaiyakarm , T. . (2022). The Application of Geo - informatics Technology for Studying Land Value Changes in Khon Kaen Municipality area: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Man and Society, 7(2), 153–170. Retrieved from
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