The Analysis of Mistakes in Thai essay of the First-Year Students Majoring in English for International Communication Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

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บุณฑริกา ขุนวิมล


                            This research aimed at studying the errors and the causes of errors in Thai language usages including grammar, contents, format, made by the first-year students in English for International Communication major, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok. The data were drawn from 56 students’ essays and survey questionnaires. From the research findings, errors are categorized into three groups; language usages, contents, and format. In language grammar errors, the students made errors in spelling, misusing words, making sentences, using a form of discourse, and creating paragraphs. In content errors, the students made errors in inappropriate titles, unclear content, lacking sequence, lacking relation, and defective modifier. In format errors, the students made errors in the form of a deficient element and the form of a disproportionate element. The study found that there were 3 causes of errors. Grammar errors were derived from 10 causes, which involved hastiness, improper writing due to mispronunciation, unknowing of vocabularies, using a false analogy, lack of knowledge of language usage, unavailability of writing skills, etc. Content errors were generated from 7 causes, including failure to understand and interpretation of the subject, no delimitation of the scope of the story, lack of storyline and prioritization,lack of relativity, usage of unclear modifiers, etc. Format errors were rooted in 3 causes, which consisted of a lack of right essay format, lack of writing skills of essay format, and lack of proficiency in essay writing, and lack of making the light of the importance of the format.

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How to Cite
ขุนวิมล บ. (2021). The Analysis of Mistakes in Thai essay of the First-Year Students Majoring in English for International Communication Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok. Journal of Man and Society, 7(1), 87–108. Retrieved from
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