Awareness of Government Officials towards on Good Governance and Administrative Procedures

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Panarat Machamadol


The awareness of government officials to work efficiently was studied in accordance with the Administration of the Royal Decree on Good Governance and Administrative Procedures, 2003. Seven principal fields of public administration for government agencies and government officials were assessed. State officials must recognize their duties and abide by the law to achieve their objectives. The qualitative research methodology was conducted using a literature review and questionnaire for 100 government officials at Mahasarakham University. Results were expressed as mean statistical percentages, with hypothesis testing using t-test, one-way ANOVA and paired mean test by the LSD method.

          Findings showed that government officials were aware of public administration to achieve the seven fields, with an average awareness value of 92.57%. Factors affecting the awareness of government officials included the experience of participating in the preparation of government action plans. Awareness at the operational level was higher than at the academic level. Long service did not affect the awareness of government officials. Problems and obstacles that impacted the awareness of government officials in government agencies included not participating in the mission at the policy-making stage for government planning and solving problems.

          Suggestions were posited that all government officials should be aware of the work processes at all levels, and be actively involved in processes to clarify the mission of government agencies to create mutual understanding and awareness. This will achieve the objectives stated in the decree and establish rules and procedures for government agencies and government officials to deliver good public administration.

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How to Cite
Machamadol, P. . (2022). Awareness of Government Officials towards on Good Governance and Administrative Procedures. Journal of Man and Society, 8(1), 167–184. Retrieved from
Research Article


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