The Story of the Diaspora Laotian in Lao Literature after the National Regime Change

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Smai Wannaudorn
Naphatsara Daosawa
Chalermsak Boodphuang
Somphavanh Keoboutta


This article investigated the image of the exiled Laotian in various dimensions through the tales presented in Lao literature after the national regime change. The study focused on the literary works of Boonsoen Saengmanee through short stories and novels. Based on the winning S.E.A. Write Award, one of these short stories and novels was selected to represent both forms of the work: Traditions of Life and The River of No-Return. The analysis of the works focused on presenting the writer’s perspectives on four issues: nation-building according to the ideology of the government party, founding a modern social status, being marginalized and inheriting cultures and traditions. The study found that nation-building according to the ideology of the government party was reflected through the presentation of images of patriotism, education, pride in career and building a modern social status. The study also found that, regarding the social status foundation, the modern social class was founded on money and property, as education was likely a stairway to achieving a better social class. Moreover, the study revealed the image of people being deceived and the problems of living abroad concerning marginalization. Finally, the study found that the Laotian people inherited cultures and traditions by following the national development policies.

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How to Cite
Wannaudorn, S. ., Daosawa, N., Boodphuang, C., & Keoboutta, S. (2023). The Story of the Diaspora Laotian in Lao Literature after the National Regime Change. Journal of Man and Society, 8(2), 27–48. Retrieved from
Research Article


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