Subjectivity and Sexuality of Single Women in Urban Society: A Qualitative Study

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Penchan Pradumook Sherer
Pimpawun BoonMongKon


This qualitative research on sexual subjectivity and sexuality of single women in urban society: a study in Bangkok, aimed to study the self of singlehood and sexual subjectivities sexuality and sexual health experience
as well as the resistance and negotiations on the sexuality of the single women in the urban area. For the conceptual framework, the research used the concepts of sexual, sexuality, self, subjectivity, and sexual well-being.
The study applied qualitative methods using in-depth interviews with eight single women aged between 29-45 years old and analyzing data with content analysis.
The study found that the relocation to the urban area allows the women to discover a “New Space” where they can learn, experience, and seek opportunities and advancement, whereas the urban environment
shapes independence in these women and develops their behaviors and financial gains. This study also shows that being single is only by status as every single woman has their ‘partner’ in a relationship made unofficial as their aims are not having a family but building financial stability and pursuing higher education. They hinge on these objectives and stand strong in society including...

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RACHKAEW, K., Pradumook Sherer, P., & BoonMongKon, P. (2023). Subjectivity and Sexuality of Single Women in Urban Society: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Man and Society, 9(1), 189–208. Retrieved from
Research Article


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