Evolving Patterns of International Marriage Among Thai Women

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Koonlapas Khamnoothai
Nathatai Manadee


This research article aims to examine the historical evolution of international marriage among Thai women, representing a segment of the broader research project titled “International Marriage Among Thai Women Using Tinder.” The study utilized historical and documentary methods to explore the diverse pathways that have contributed to the development of such marriages, tracing back from the Ayutthaya period to the contemporary era. The findings reveal a multifaceted history of international marriage in Thailand, dating back to the Ayutthaya period when Chinese and Western traders first arrived. Subsequently, during the reign of King Rama V in the Rattanakosin period, many upper-class individuals were sent abroad for education, with some choosing to marry foreigners. Notably, the Vietnam War played a pivotal role in popularizing international marriages in Thai society. Furthermore, the growth of the tourism industry, welcoming foreign tourists, created opportunities for encounters between Thai women working in the service industry and foreign visitors. Since the 21st century onwards, the advent of the Internet has revolutionized the landscape of international relationships. Online communication has bridged geographical gaps, enabling individuals to connect, converse, and build relationships across borders. This paradigm shift from traditional, in-person meetings to virtual interactions is exemplified by the widespread use of dating applications, especially Tinder, which provides a variety of features catering to each user’s needs. These platforms serve as virtual public spaces where Thai women and foreign men can establish relationships, ultimately leading to international marriages.

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How to Cite
Khamnoothai, K. ., & Manadee, N. . (2023). Evolving Patterns of International Marriage Among Thai Women. Journal of Man and Society, 9(2), 97–118. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/268732
Research Article


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