Idea for Mind Healing During COVID-19: Humanistic Instinct in a Novel Entitled Descendant of Memories of the Memories of the Black Rose Cat

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Niya Bilyamae
Manoch Dinlansagoon


This paper aimed to psychologically investigate humanistic instinct as exhibited in             the novel entitled Descendant of Memories of the Memories of the Black Rose Cat and present applied results, based on Buddhism, as an idea in mind healing during COVID-19 pandemic. The investigation revealed that humanistic instinct reflected habits and relationship of human being through individual’s instinct, which was inherited through habit at the surface and deep levels of an individual. Ideas derived from the investigation were applied, based on Buddhism, for mind healing during COVID-19 pandemic comprising quitting adherence, converting rebukes to offerings, and solving problems by finding true causes. The results of this study could be used as a strategic model in taking care of mental health of Thai people in different situations, especially during COVID-19 pandemic.

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How to Cite
Bilyamae, N., & Dinlansagoon, M. . (2024). Idea for Mind Healing During COVID-19: Humanistic Instinct in a Novel Entitled Descendant of Memories of the Memories of the Black Rose Cat. Journal of Man and Society, 10(1), 69–92. Retrieved from
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