Impact of Online Social Media Usage Behavior on Perceptions of Thai Polysemous Words among Chinese Students Studying Thai Language in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China

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Sunee Leelapornpinit
Penpisut Sikakaew
Prapatsorn Nikornsawat
Xialing Lan


This research uses a mixed-method approach to investigate the effect of online social media usage on Chinese students’ perception of Thai polysemous words in the Greater China region, particularly Guangzhou. Data from 108 third- and fourth-year undergraduate Chinese students were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. Findings indicated that TikTok is the most popular social media platform among these students, with Google’s website being the primary platform used. Students predominantly use Thai dramas to learn and develop Thai language skills, typically spending 1 to 2 hours on these platforms. However, the majority of students do not frequently use Thai platforms or online media, and the media’s potential to teach Chinese learners about polysemous Thai words is underutilized. There are no significant ethnic differences in the frequency of using Thai platforms and online media, but the academic year significantly affected the frequency of watching online social media (<0.05). Chinese students primarily “consume” rather than actively “use” online social media to learn Thai. Their opinions on how online social media usage affected their perception of Thai polysemous words are moderately positive, with most agreeing that regular use helps them become more familiar with these words and provided examples of their varied meanings.

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How to Cite
Leelapornpinit, S., Sikakaew, P. ., Nikornsawat, P. ., & Lan, X. . (2024). Impact of Online Social Media Usage Behavior on Perceptions of Thai Polysemous Words among Chinese Students Studying Thai Language in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Journal of Man and Society, 10(1), 143–164. retrieved from
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