The History of the Expansion of the Communities in Mueang Karasin Municipality during 2480 – 2556

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Sopee Untaya


This research entitled, “The History of the Expansion of the Communities in Mueang Kalasin Municipality during 1937-2013” was attempted to find out the factors influencing the expansion of the communities in Mueang Kalasin Municipality. The Concept of Local History was employed as a key concept for this research study.
The findings showed that Kalasin was founded as a city in 1794 during the Rattanakosin Era. At the early stage, houses were normally built around the house of the city ruler, the city pillar shrine or temples, and along the banks of Lam Pao River. In 1937, those communities were upgraded as Mueang Kalasin Municipality, resulting in more establishments around the city center and towards the main roads.
The factors affecting the expansion of the communities in the early days included population, government policy and economics. In 1982, a decree was issued over the change of Mueang Kalasin Municipality since it was getting a lot more crowded; thus, it needed to be expanded for the effective and comprehensive administration. The keys factors that had influenced the expansion of the communities in Mueang Kalasin Municipality during 1982-2013 consisted of economics, government policy and population. At that time, more communities were emerging on all sides of the town, particularly in the south and the northeast. Other important factors that always have an impact on the growth of the communities in every era are biological and cultural diversities, ecology systems, beliefs and ethnic groups.

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How to Cite
Untaya, S. (2024). The History of the Expansion of the Communities in Mueang Karasin Municipality during 2480 – 2556. Journal of Man and Society, 1(1), 123–138. Retrieved from
Research Article


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