The Revision of Logistics Legal System and Multimodal transportation of Thailand for going to ASEAN Community

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Pongkan Kongsee


ASEAN has provided the integration plan for going out to ASEAN Economic Community, that called AECBlueprint. The important mission’s ASEAN Economic Community is the Logistics Legal, provided the principle on the roadmap number four. In the area of roadmap number four are modification of the economic structure, focusing on the best quality improvement and sustainable growingup. Moreover, there still has realised on the growing up of basic infrastructure and Logistics. By the supporting the development of Multimodal Transportation. For instance, the improving and adjusting modal of transportation going to be the other processing transportation that could be reduce the capital cost per unit. Moreover, it must to
be worth. Including, improving the effective of Logistic management by focusing on manufacturing the professional logistics people. Developing the network system of the logistics business, including the supply chain and logistics legal. Moreover , supporting research and innovation , related development the logistics. Lastly, for improving the railway transportation by railway renovation. Building double track on main route and developing the high speed railway network that has covered completely on big city and ASEAN country, including, re-engineering State Railway of Thailand. Besides , the railway transportation are set into two types, Double Track and high speed train, emphasised on the public transportation. The mission challenges by value of investment and sustainable in the future, hence, the term of legal railway will lead to significant improving the logistics system in Thailandin the future. In the final result, the researcher has some solution for all improving Thailand next step in the future.

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How to Cite
Kongsee, P. . (2024). The Revision of Logistics Legal System and Multimodal transportation of Thailand for going to ASEAN Community. Journal of Man and Society, 3(1), 98–123. Retrieved from
Research Article


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