The Spatial mobility of Cambodian labors crossing Chong Chom border : in case study Mueang district, Surin Province

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Praeploy Puangsri
Nanthaporn U-saard


The Free Flow of labors in nowadays has caused an increase of Cambodian labors in Thailand. They have come to take jobs from Thai citizen and a lot of labors could not reach welfare benefits from Thai government. This research will study Cambodian labors route of Spatial mobility of Cambodian labors crossing Chong Chom border and of Cambodian labors adaptation in case study Mueang district, Surin Province. The data of this research are gathered from two sources, the primary data is collected from interview Cambodian migrants who live in Mueang district, Surin Province. The secondary data is from the Cambodian migrant workers in Mueang district, Surin Province statistic which is gathered from Surin Provincial Employment Office. The study results showed that, Cambodian labors who have moved through Chong Chom border crossing were from Oddar Meanchey Province, Banteay Meanchey Province and Siem Reap Province accounted for 45 percent, 12 percent and 10 percent respectively. After studied sampling interviews Cambodian migrant workers who lived in Mueang district, Surin Province. The study discovered that, 24 percent lived in Nai Muaeng sub- district, 19 percent lived in Nok Muang sub- district and 18 percent lived in Chaniang sub- district. The migrant workers came to work as a vendor, continuous agricultural business and house hold worker. The study of migrant process also explored that, most of the workers were migrant with their family, some were migrant with agent and friends. The major motivation of Cambodian workers migrant to Surin Provice is for better living standard. After worker’s living standard has improved, they started to migrant their family to Surin Province. The benefit from the study is to improve worker migrant management for more appropriate and more efficient in migrant worker related official department

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How to Cite
Puangsri, P. ., & U-saard, N. . (2024). The Spatial mobility of Cambodian labors crossing Chong Chom border : in case study Mueang district, Surin Province. Journal of Man and Society, 3(1), 124–144. Retrieved from
Research Article


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