Thought System and Symbolic in Oral History: Case Study of the Historical Myths in “Bueang Praram” (Nong Sano) and King U-Thong Established Ayutthaya B.E. 1893

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Kampol Champapan


King U-Thong established Ayutthaya city B.E.1893. Data are obtained from the 3 evidences includesthe “Kam Hai kan Chaw Krung Kao” (The testimony of Ayutthayan), “Pong Sawadan Nua” (The chronicle of North), and “Pong Sawadan Chabub Van Vliet” (The Chronicle version Van Vliet), by using the oral history research method. The results are as follows: the 3 evidences describe Ayutthaya rising 1893 from the perspective and worldviews of Ayutthayan peoples which dissimilarthe royal chronicle wrote and edited by elites. It is recommended that the historical myth document should be respect as important oral history evidence.

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How to Cite
Champapan, K. . (2024). Thought System and Symbolic in Oral History: Case Study of the Historical Myths in “Bueang Praram” (Nong Sano) and King U-Thong Established Ayutthaya B.E. 1893. Journal of Man and Society, 3(2), 48–64. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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