The development of Thai learning achievement on Literature Vessantara of Mathayomsueksa 4 students by Problem-Based Learning Model

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Pisittapon Phanpan
Danita Duangwilai
Penprapa Singsawat


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop the Thai Language lesson plans about Literature Vessantara of Mathayomsueksa 4 students by Problem-Based Learning Model at the 80/80 efficient criteria, 2) to study effectiveness index of both lesson plans created, 3) to compare the achievement Literature Vessantara in learning before and after, and 4) to study satisfaction of students toward Problem-Based Learning Model. The sample consisted is 40 students in Mathayomsueksa 4/4 of KhonkaenWittayayon school, under the secondary educational service area office 25, in the second semester of the academic year 2015. The sample is obtained by the Cluster Random Sampling technique. The instruments used in this research were: 1) 4 Thai lesson plans about Literature Vessantara of Mathayomsueksa 4 students by Problem-Based Learning Model which have very good quality, 2) 30- item 4-choice learning achievement test which have the content validity form 0.67 to 1.00, the discriminant index form 0.40 to 1.00 and the total reliability of 0.91, 3) questionnaire on students satisfaction with Problem-Based Learning Model. The statistics used in this research are mean, standard deviation, percentage, effectiveness index and t-test (Dependent Sample).
The results of this research are the lesson plans about Literature Vessantara of Mathayomsueksa 4 students by Problem-Based Learning Model has efficiencies of 86.98/84.83 that higher than the criteria 80/80, the effectiveness indices of 0.7393 or at 73.93 percent, The students learned using Thai lesson plans about Literature Vessantara of Mathayomsueksa 4 students by Problem-Based Learning Model is higher than at the 0.05 level of significance, and The students had satisfaction as a whole at a high level.

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How to Cite
Phanpan, P., Duangwilai, D., & Singsawat, P. (2024). The development of Thai learning achievement on Literature Vessantara of Mathayomsueksa 4 students by Problem-Based Learning Model. Journal of Man and Society, 2(1), 130–143. Retrieved from
Research Article


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