Portrayal of “the Enemy” in 1984-1987 Laos Elementary School Textbooks

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Watcharee Srikham


The study of portrayal of “the enemy” in 1984 Reading Practice of the 3rd and 5th grade Laos elementary school textbooks and 1987 Reading Practice of the 4th grade Laos elementary school textbook were aimed at analyzing of enemy presentation in the textbooks. Results of the study showed that portrayal of the enemy has been used to implant patriotic ideology and nationalism with political socialization system, mobilize hatred and rage against the enemy to Lao youngsters in the era of Lao-ization under intensive socialism. The enemies were the people who createdsocial distresses, killed, destroyed people’s assets and national sovereignty. The enemies were the people who invaded, oppressed, ruthlessand barbarism, injustice and ignore people’s wellness. The enemies were the people who defeated by Lao
people,cowardly and unintelligent.

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How to Cite
Srikham, W. . (2024). Portrayal of “the Enemy” in 1984-1987 Laos Elementary School Textbooks. Journal of Man and Society, 3(2), 65–84. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/272345
Academic Article


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