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Lexical meanings and origin of synonymous in the northern dialect thescope of which was in 8 provinces of the north. The data were drawn from dailyconversational speech of the people who use the northern dialect in MaehongsornChiengmai, Lampoon, Lampang, Chiengray, Phayao, Phrae and Nan There are 3types of synonymous compounds structure in the northern dialect; synonymouscompounds composed of 2 syllables, of 4 syllables and of more than 4 syllables.The lexical meanings of synonymous compounds were classified into 3 types; synonymous compounds having a meaning at either the initial or the final word whilethe other word had no meaning except, for rhyme, synonymous compounds havingmeanings at both words, and synonymous compounds having accurate meaning at either word while the other emphasized the meaning.
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