Techniques of using humor in Super Mum

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Pangkuan Pansaku
Sopee Untaya


This article aims to study the techniques of using humor in Super Mum by studying the television network’s Work Point of 50 clips. The results showed that the use of dialect, wrap word, mimic word, violence use, Avoidance coarse word, word play, the use of foreign words and the creation of new words. Techniques of using humor in Super Mum to consist of sarcasm, creating stories exaggerating, strategies is the nickname for the person, figures of speech, incompatibility, making a lewd, the techniques use foreign including the Thai language and parody.

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How to Cite
Pansaku, P. ., & Untaya, . S. . (2024). Techniques of using humor in Super Mum. Journal of Man and Society, 4(1), 45–57. Retrieved from
Research Article


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