The Process of Becoming Cambodian Transnational Child Labor in Paknam community, Paknam Subdistrict, Mueang District, Rayong Province.

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Rattanaporn Radomsuk


This research aimed to study the process of becoming transnational child labors
and job characteristic of Cambodian transnational child labor in Paknam community,
Paknam Subdistrict, Mueang District, Rayong Province. Research methods were;
document analysis from books, academic papers and researches related to process of
becoming transnational child labor; participant observation by participating in activity
of Paknam community and activity with Cambodia transnational child labors;
non-participant observation by studying general condition of community and observing
atmosphere when Cambodian transnational child labor worked; and interview of
transnational labors including 20 guardians of Cambodian transnational child labors
in order to understand background and causes that transnational children entered to
Thailand; interview of 20 Cambodian transnational child labors; interview of officers
of Labour Right Promotion Network who took charge in promoting children’s right,
right accessing to education, and protected transnational labors and children not to
be victims of human trafficking. From the research, researcher found out that the
process of becoming Cambodian transnational labors occurred when they followed
their parents entering to Thailand. Most of them entered to hunt for a job in fishery
business. The reason that the parents of the children moved to work in Thailand
were; their living at hometown was suffering and wanted to seek for jobs in Thailand
because of better opportunity in jobs and wage than their occupation at Cambodia.
Besides, some family had relatives’ network or acquaintances who used to work inThailand persuaded them to work in Thailand including...

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How to Cite
Radomsuk, R. . (2024). The Process of Becoming Cambodian Transnational Child Labor in Paknam community, Paknam Subdistrict, Mueang District, Rayong Province. Journal of Man and Society, 4(1), 93–107. Retrieved from
Research Article


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