A Warshipping Narratives of “Pithikham Bluing Suang Aong Poo Phayanak” Rituals of Villangers Bang Sai Yai District Mukdahan Provine

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nuttha yenjai
Nutkritta nammontree


This article aims to study about narratives and rituals of “Pithikham Buang Suang Aong Poo Phayanak” and study about the role of ritual of Pithikham Buang Suang Aong Poo Phayanak take place in Bang Sai Yai SubDistrict in Mookdahan Province. By collecting documents and field information related to narratives and rituals of Pithikham Blung Suang Aong Poo Phayanak of Bang Sai Yai SubDistrict in Mukdahan Province. The results revealed that narrative in ritual of Pithikham Buang Suang Aong Poo Phayanak is a story about the places animals, persons and sacred objects that occurred during built the Second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge combined with the belief for the Naga of Bang Sai Yai villager. This caused the founding of the Aong Poo Phayanak shrine and had a ritual sacrifice of the Aong Poo Phayanak. There are 7 rituals to consist of 1. Jaroen Phra phuthamon Liturgy in the evening 2. Opening Mae rice offering custom 3. Give alms to a Buddhist monkin the morning 4. Offer food to the monks from all directions 5. Sacrifice ceremony of Aong Poo and Aong Ya Phayanak 6. Dancing for Sacrifice ceremony of Aong Poo and Aong Ya Phayanak and 7.Lotus floating offerings to Buddha ceremony and Invitation Ganesha ceremony. The ritual is held every June 8-9 in every year. Ceremonial of Bang Sai Yai villagers has brought the faith from the past combination with a ritual sacrifice of the Aong Poo Phayanak and put the belief ritual of Brahmin Buddhist and Hindu together.

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How to Cite
yenjai, nuttha, & nammontree, N. (2024). A Warshipping Narratives of “Pithikham Bluing Suang Aong Poo Phayanak” Rituals of Villangers Bang Sai Yai District Mukdahan Provine. Journal of Man and Society, 4(1), 123–137. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/272387
Research Article


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