The Creation Myths of the Tai-Zhuang Peoples: the Worldviews, Beliefs and Rituals

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Ou Man
นันท์ชญา มหาขันธ์


This research aimed to study and collect literature of the creation myths of the Tai-Zhuang peopleand to analyze worldviews, beliefs and rituals which were related to the creation myths of the Tai-Zhuang people. The researcher collected a total of 110 cases of the literature of the creation myths of the Tai-Zhuang people. The research method in folklore was applied to study the motif which reflected the worldviews and beliefs in the creation myths of the Tai-Zhuang People. The results of the traditional worldviews of the creation myths showed that the Tai-Zhuang people perceived that human beings were under the supernatural power, were closely related with nature, and came from the same origin. These legends reflected a system of traditional beliefs which were related to religion. In addition, the related rituals clearly showed the social and cultural roles of the creation myths. These practices have passed on the past worldviews, beliefs, and knowledge. Nowadays, these practices have been adapted in a form of tourism which assists the existence of the rituals.


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